Thursday, August 21, 2014

What Iraq has to do with ME

Today and over the last several weeks, the Christians' situation in Iraq has been plaguing my heart.  So many times I see a new article on facebook giving information and insight into the terrible happenings going on there, and I wonder how is it ok for me to sit and drink coffee with a good book for a moment during nap time?  How can I celebrate the happy occasions here with food and parties?  How can I laugh and enjoy life, when across the world, parents are throwing their children off of a mountain top because they believe the alternative is worse? 

I am still not sure how to handle these questions, but I have come to a conclusion on some parts of it.  These are our brothers and sisters.  These are not people who have nothing to do with us.  These are men and women and families who in the face of oppression bow before the cross, strive to love as Christ loved, carry the words of scripture on their lips, and seek the Lord's guidance for the way that they live, the way that they raise their families, and the way that they love their friends.  In short, they have everything to do with us. 

I don't think that we are called to depression because of what is happening over there, or because of what is happening to a part of our Church, a part of our living Body of Christ.  I do think we are called to be struck by this.  I think we should be shaken up.  I think we should be disturbed, not in a way that drowns us in fear, but in a way that stirs us to action.  What is God doing here with this situation?  Shouldn't we all as Christians be asking God not why are you doing this to them--but why are you doing this to us?  What do you have for me, the comfortable American sitting peacefully on the couch, watching my child play and look out the window at her relatively safe world?  Jesus, what you are doing with them is not our concern.  We must trust You.  You are at work in their lives.  You are at work in Your Church.  You have not abandoned them.  But me?  How does this affect me? 

We are so helpless in the physical sense, and because of this I am learning to pray, to intercede, to bear these people on my heart.  I have nothing to give them but prayer.  I have nothing to offer but the cold I have had all week, my daughter's short naps that drive me crazy, and a chaotic evening that leaves me doing dishes almost until bed time.  My daily life has more meaning because through it, I am able to be conscious of prayer gifts that I can send to these suffering.  The ordinary of my life becomes extraordinary, because its purpose is that much more powerful.

I am also struck with an old realization, made alive again.  This is what Christianity means.  We are seeing it again in our times.  Once it meant being thrown into an arena with lions before a cheering crowd, now for some, it means abandoning homes and livelihoods and even life itself for the sake of the Gospel.  I am shaken up, in a good way, because I need to ask myself would I do the same thing?  What sacrifices am I willing to make for Jesus?  To what limit would I serve Him?  Are there ways to stretch myself, to say yes to Christ in a deeper more sacrificial way, that I am ignoring?  They are witnessing to us to what lengths we are called.  The faith they are being persecuted for is my faith. 

Finally, I am encouraged, because I have been taught that the blood of the martyrs strengthens the church.  Wouldn't you think we would be wiped out by now with all of the persecution we have undergone?  How many martyrs and saints were the very executioners or soldiers taking part in the persecution of Christians?  Hello, St. Paul!  The Christian people is not weakened by what is happening.  I am encouraged because they are not suffering in vain.  How many saints are being added to Heaven and ready to pray for us?  How much grace is there in their sacrifice?  They are building up the body.  I am not rejoicing in their suffering.  My heart aches.  I hope that this ends very soon.  But I know that because of our belief in the Cross of Christ and the resurrection of the dead, the story does not end at the tip of the sword.  It ends in the glory of Heaven. 

My hope is that their suffering will not be in vain in their own lives or in mine.  I want to grow in prayer.  I want to grow in faith.  I want to follow their example in whatever it means in my life.  I want to let the graces pouring down from Heaven to affect me.  I do not want this to just be a facebook article that I have to try to forget about so I can have a good day.  This is my life.  This is my faith.   

Christ, please transform Your whole church through this, including me!  Please deliver them, and please give them strength to say yes even when it is the most difficult! 

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